
Nat Geo X HBX

Nat Geo collection launch at HYPEBEAST / HBX New York, 2022

National Geographic’s footage was used to create projection mapped videos for an immersive experience that lasted one week at HBX New York. The audiovisual journey is captured in the digital renderings below.

Direction by Sayoko Osada

Design by Sayoko Osada & Christine Sikking

Visuals by Christine Sikking

Soundscapes by Triangles

Build and Tech by Chemistry Creative

Visitor Plane, 2022

An interactive installation exhibited at The Brooklyn Art Cave

A camera captured footage of people in realtime and projected their “ghost” image into the space behind them. The viewers’ ghosts were mixed amongst other digital figures collected over time and collectively processed through VDMX and vidvox.

Meeting Place for Silhouettes, 2020

Canvas panels wrapped in plastic, white scrim, wooden frame, video projection

Installed and exhibited at H0L0 for Good Times Creative Studio’s group show Six Feet Apart, Queens, New York, June 2020




Set Design