Christine Sikking is a designer and producer who works across the creative industries. Her technical work in projection, digital design, and video editing allows her to stay flexible and create custom content for any environment. Her artistic practice focuses on live video programming and interactive installation, often in collaboration with other artists and audiences. This practice informs her career in production coordination for art shows, film & TV shoots, and live events.

Recently featured in an artist highlight created by Remi Arielle

I get caught in-between the digital and physical realm. I am interested in how our perception affects our reality. How our engagement with an image can alter that image. Like a sunbeam, a shadow, or a stranger walking in the back of a photograph, I study environments and systems that create opportunity for “happenings”. There can be delight in witnessing an accidental moment especially when you feel you had an active role in the creation of it. I make work that is affected by how you engage with it. It is often site-specific, interactive, and always ephemeral.